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June 10, 2024


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Where teams build secure, collaborative, and innovative software.
General Feature Image

Key Features:

  • Code Hosting:
    Allows developers to version control their code and collaborate.
  • Collaboration:
    Facilitates collaboration through features like pull requests, code reviews, and comments.
  • Project Management:
    Includes tools like GitHub Issues and GitHub Projects. It helps teams organize and manage tasks, track progress, and set milestones.
  • Code Search:
    Offers a powerful code search and view, enabling developers to find, navigate, and understand code.
  • Automation:
    Allows users to automate workflows, including continuous integration and deployment (CI/CD). 
  • Package Management:
    It offers the ability to host and manage public and private software packages.
  • API Integration:
    Users can create API calls to access GitHub’s data and events.
  • Data Security:
    Provides security tools like code scanning, secret scanning, and dependency analysis.
  • Access Management:
    Allows organizations to manage user access and permissions.
  • Documentation
    : Users can host project documentation in wikis within their repositories.


GitHub simplifies the process of building, scaling, and delivering secure software. It offers a range of features to enhance productivity, collaboration, and security.

It provides tools like GitHub Codespaces, allowing developers to code, build, test, and open pull requests from any hold. GitHub Copilot acts as an AI pair programmer. It speeds up tasks by 55% through natural language prompts converted into coding suggestions. GitHub Actions automates workflows. GitHub Mobile ensures that developers can stay connected on the go.

It offers unlimited repositories, version control, and features such as Issues, Projects, Discussions, and Pull Requests. GitHub Sponsors allow support for open-source projects. 

GitHub Advanced Security, secret scanning, and code scanning help developers secure their code. It detects vulnerabilities and follows regulations.

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