ResumAI | Create an impressive resume in just seconds
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resumA ILogo
June 10, 2024


Free + Paid Plans
Compose your resume for your dream job in seconds with AI-powered tool, ResumAI
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What is resumA.I.?

resumA.I. represents a next-generation intelligent resume-building tool, aiming to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of job applications. The tool offers content generated based on best practices, ensuring users can craft professional resumes tailored to their needs. It allows users to target specific keywords relevant to their job applications, increasing the chances of their resumes being noticed by potential employers.

The platform has a natural writing style that is more authentic than a professional writer’s. Users can select from over 300 example resumes across various fields, simply copying and pasting their existing resumes to jumpstart the resume creation process effectively.

The AI Writer feature enables users to generate and edit content with a single click, equipped with an understanding of best practices. Users can create better bullet points, summaries, and cover letters much faster than with traditional methods. They can optimize their resume content with keywords extracted from targeted job descriptions, ensuring alignment with employer expectations and preferences.

resumA.I. offers users complete control over their resume documents, allowing for formatting adjustments and customization as needed. Users can generate a matching cover letter with one click, simplifying the process of creating a comprehensive job application package.

The platform provides over 340 resume templates, both free and premium, which users can customize. resumA.I. includes a range of features such as resume and cover letter builders, AI bullet point and summary writers, real-time content analysis, unlimited PDF and DOCX downloads, and unlimited Google Drive exports.

Key Features

  • Template Library:

    Provides a range of professional resume templates to choose from.

  • Resume Generation:

    You can write your resume by analyzing your experience and skills.

  • Keyword Optimization:

    You can optimize your resume with relevant keywords from the job description.

  • Cover Letter Optimization:

    This feature helps personalize your cover letter by ensuring it aligns with the specific job you’re applying for.

Pricing table

Plans Monthly Cost
Premium $29/mo

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